career goals examples for resume
Have you wondered why some people are so successful in their career and others are not? The first thing they did was to carry out career goal setting.
To perform career goal setting successfully, start your career desires explicitly and write them down. This provides you with a basic outline to follow when you set your career goals. With your career goals written out, you know your final destination and can steadily work towards it.
Also, when carrying out career goal setting, do not assume that you can achieve your long-term career goals easily and successfully. To prevent this potential mistake, always start from the end and work backwards as it provides you with the elements for a successful career. Moreover, seeing it from the end to the beginning gives you a fulfillment that the long term career goals is achievable.
Paul is attending university to become a doctor. This includes the short-term, mid-term and long-term career goals of his. career goals examples for resume
People often think that having a successful career will come easily. Being prepared mentally requires you to be disciplined and persistent in order to overcome fears of failure, and thus achieve your career goals. Remember, in summary, to achieve career success, always carry out career goal setting first. Also, do check on how much closer you are to your destination; your long-term career goals.


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