


In the past couple of years it seems as if there is one piece of bad news after the other. Wars, hunger, sadness, earthquakes, tsunamis, pain, the list seems to go on and on, country after country and day after day. Sometimes it seems like another tragedy happens before we are done hearing about another. I am left feeling pretty helpless when there are so many people that need to be helped. I can not end hunger or pain or sadness or wave a magic wand and get Japan, Haiti, Chile, Sri Lanka, Pakistan or New Zealand back on their feet. I can not create jobs for millions of people in America or worldwide, and I can not take in all of the foster kids and orphans. Wouldn't that be fabulous though?!

Sometimes I get frustrated that I can't fix a big problem in the world, but I try to remember that I can affect a big problem in one person's life a little closer to home.

So I leave you with these adorable pictures of my new baby chicks, because after all the sadness and pain, there is still life and there are still miracles and there will always be love.


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